Business.Net |
Business.Net is a complete solution for any type of Whole Sale / Retail Stockist
/ Distributors Business
like Medicine Shop, Kirana Bhandar, Garments, Footwere, Electronics, Mobile
Gallery, Furniture etc
for Sales, Purchase, Inventary, Accounts, Vat Reports and Multiple Reports. |
Gurukul.Net |
Gurukul.Net is mainly work with Institute, School and College related to
Admission, Fee Collection,
Examination, Accounts etc |
Courier.Net |
Courier.Net is the complete solution for Courier like Incoming, Outgoing and
Billing. |
Khata.Net |
Khata.Net is an accounting software for any type of business for Account
Opening, Dues Book,
Payment Receiving, Ledger and Outstanding. |
Cafe.Net |
Cafe.Net is a software for Cyber Cafe. This software keep the records of User
and Sales and booking of
the Computers. |
Patho.Net |
Patho.Net is work for all reports of Pathological Lab |
Hotel.Net |
Hotel.Net is a complete Hotel Management System software for Fooding, Lodging,
Expanse and
Bank A/c Maintenance |
Restaurant.Net |
Restaurant.Net is providing the complete solution for Restaurant for Billing,
Stock, Employee, Expanse,
Goods Purchasing, Ledger etc. |
Hospital.Net |
Hospital.Net is a complete Hospital Management System Software |
FCI.Net |
FCI.Net can manage the work of Food Corporation of India |
Pradushan.Net |
Pradushan.Net generates the pollution cheking cirtificate |
Ngo.Net |
This Software manage the projects and keep accounting data.
Bank.Net |
Bank.Net software manage the banking facility under the Co-Operative Society,
Private and
Public Limited Company.
Networking.Net |
Networking.Net is working for Networking Market System.
Static Website |
Static Website is a complete informational website with build by Text and
Dynamic Website |
Dynamic Website is a website where Data Base linked Website. Here users can fill
some forms,
Admin can update News or N otice etc.
Personal.Net |
Personal. Net is a Personal Management System software for every person who
Multiple Bank A/c, Bank Fixex Deposite, Recruing Deposite, Post Office A/c, NSC,
Personal Insurance,
Vehicle Insurance with SMS reminder